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Stripes RaiderSonic's Fursona Avatar
Name:Stripes RaiderSonic in Bloomington Offline
Species:Winged Kangaroo
Relationship:Single and Looking

Arizona Furs
Gamer furs
Colorado Furs
Ohio furs
chubbies for chasers
gay furs
Missouri Furs
Georgia Furs
Tennessee Furs
Texan fuzzems
Pokemon Fans
Indiana Furs
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Intergalactic Federation of Furries
gay yiff
Huskies of FurrTrax
Florida Furs
Latex Rubber and Other Kinky Things
Bisexual Furs
Breeding Den
Kingdom Hearts Furries
Member ID:14038
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:13682
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
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Future Space for Blogs

🐾☢ blue eyes ☣🐾: Hello friend long time no talk lol Xd but anyways done worry much bud im in texas now and im about to get two jobs soon with a home and pc but pm me here and soon skype getting a new phone soon looking forward to talking to you again peace bud w 2779.4 days ago
Absenthine: Hello! 2842.5 days ago
Fallenheim: Howdy, do you have kik by chance? I'd love to chat with yah 2899 days ago
Stripes: oh mai another stripes . 3206.4 days ago
Rezziel Zioto: What brings you my way? 3212 days ago
Saykoiaya : hi. wall virginity is mine 3212.1 days ago

About Me:
I'm new here on FurrTrax, but I've been in the fandom for 3 1/3 years now, and also been fursuiting for 3 years now as Frost the Husky.

I'm always looking for new friends and people to chat with. If you want to be able to reach me if I'm not on here, these are my best ways to contact me on:

Http://www.furaffinity.net/user/RaiderSonic/ http://www.fetlife.com/users/19458265/ http://www.twitter.com/RaiderSonicAD/
[email protected]
[email protected]

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