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This page may contain adult content, and has been marked by an Admin.
Green BunBun's Fursona Avatar
Name:Green BunBun in City Offline
Relationship:Single, Not Looking

california fuzzies
Gamer furs
Anime fur
Furry Artists
Steam furs
League of Legends
Georgia Furs
Texan fuzzems
Alabama Furries
Member ID:5604
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:13066
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
Kik:Hidden from Guests
YIM:Hidden from Guests
FurAffinity:Hidden from Guests
Facebook:Hidden from Guests

Future Space for Blogs

Driana Le Souris: pokes le eye. 2757.4 days ago
Driana Le Souris: O.o No way.. still alive???????? XD Missed your ghetto ass. 2766.7 days ago
Driana BlackScale: GTFOH 2934.1 days ago
Driana Le Souris: Still alive? 2993.6 days ago
Green BunBun: Havent been on in ages 3018.6 days ago
Laila Jay: Nice to meet you too! 3341.7 days ago
Jade Blackpaws: Been busy but doing great :) 3342.6 days ago
Jade Blackpaws: hey! hows it going? how've tou been? 3344.2 days ago
Aria Auroralïs: (I meant hard not to) 3344.5 days ago
Aria Auroralïs: (hugs tight) I'll try to keep high spirits.. Kinda hard to when offered a hug.. (smiles a bit) 3344.5 days ago
Green BunBun: PARTY!! 3344.7 days ago
Driana BlackScale: Why.. why.. wiggles her nose tries to find a crumb 3345.1 days ago
Taylynn: Tackles the free. bun bun 3345.6 days ago
Green BunBun: Hmm, somewhat good to be back . a lot had chaaaaanged 3345.6 days ago

About Me:
And the cookies will rain down on your heads while I rape your holes while eating my favorite carrots!! Come get the bun bun cock! Mwhahaha!

But nah seriously....might aswell go ahead and do this since it seems I'll be here for awhile.

I have multiple fursona's but for this site I'll only be using one main one ^_^
Name: Green BunBun
Species:Hare (Bunny)
Age: 18
Height: 6'0
Weight: 170
Eyes: Vanilla Brown
Fur color: Caramel Brown
Hair: Blonde
Ears: Blonde and black tips
Abilities: Magic BunBun

~More Info Later~

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