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PBpup's Fursona Avatar
Name:PBpup in City Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking

Domination and Submission
Southern California Furs
Bisexual Furs
Member ID:1860
Last Active:04-01-2024 15:20 PM
Profile Views:17452
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fuzzpawsthewolf: Well hello there... 867.3 days ago
Genna_Kat: that profile picture so handsome 2113.1 days ago
Roronoa: Places peanut butter on his nose.- Yes 2640.6 days ago
Harmony Mystheart: waves hello 2667.3 days ago
Aurora : Places my paw print on the wall 2820.2 days ago
Źõęÿ: Heya 2903.4 days ago
Robbie: Hey buddy. 2942.8 days ago
PBpup: Hey, what's up, I've been gone for a while I know but I'll try to stay in touch now that I believe I have time 3086.5 days ago
Sam: Hey 3222.7 days ago
Airiles: Hello. 3269.8 days ago
PBpup: Lol yup marvel and star wars the old republic and the star wars comics coming out... Video games I would say fps games mostly 3293.1 days ago
Lolita: I understand you like comics and video games? 3293.9 days ago
PBpup: Sorry, but I only give out my kik to those who I had a chat with before.... I don't like giving my contact info out to strangers, you know? You can try not being a stranger by hitting me up on here and see if we can have a friendly conversation 3301 days ago
Silver: whats your kik?? 3303.3 days ago
Ahroun Maelstrom: Woof 3311 days ago
PBpup: Sure will do 3318.8 days ago
MarinaLaQuila: kik me 3319.7 days ago
nightscale: hi :) 3320.9 days ago
Cyril ZERO: hi there pup 3330.3 days ago
yolahola: That's good! :3 3331.8 days ago
PBpup: so far pretty good 3332.3 days ago
yolahola: How are you today? 3332.3 days ago
PBpup: Hello :D 3332.8 days ago
yolahola: Hello there! 3333 days ago
Flora Eclair MagicCaster: Your wall it has been poked 3396.1 days ago
PBpup: sorry I don't get on much but I've been busy with... stuff I really can't say but so far I think I'm free for a bit I'll try to get on more enjoy the fandom 3416.8 days ago
PBpup: yes I remember you hi! 3416.8 days ago
KeetaRose Kaskaida: hello 3426 days ago
Soupish: Welcome to the community :) 3450.8 days ago

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