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Kryslin 's Fursona Avatar
Name:Kryslin in Pittsburgh Offline
Species:chakat /Fox
Relationship:Single, Not Looking

Pennsylvania Furs
Single Furs
PSN furries
Breeding Den
Member ID:13540
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:16876
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
Kik:Hidden from Guests
YIM:Hidden from Guests
FurAffinity:Hidden from Guests
Facebook:Hidden from Guests
PSN Name:Trannsformersroc

Future Space for Blogs

Xenos Lustborn: R.I.P. 3051.3 days ago
WariusFox: hi! 3057.3 days ago
Shade: poke Now that touched your wall i allow myself to say Hello. :D 3061 days ago
Kryst4l: Yummy pic 3061.2 days ago
WariusFox: nice pic! ;3 3061.4 days ago
James: wicked pic 3065 days ago
arbiter: Hello 3066 days ago
kreega nightkill: ? 3066.2 days ago
Kryslin : Clear 3067.2 days ago
Ty Embertail: Howdy 3083.9 days ago
🐆Whitepawzzz 🐆: Hey 3090.2 days ago
vampire: hi.... 3092.8 days ago
Arco James Furmen: My wall now! 3095.2 days ago
Kryslin : Hi kyrain 3113.1 days ago
Kyrain: hio :) 3113.5 days ago
MeowCat: Hun long time no see 3114.2 days ago
Lyles: Hello! :D 3115.8 days ago
Nathaniel Kain: Chakat hm.... Interesting concept. 3116.5 days ago
Cain: Well aren't you a STUNNING chakatfox. I'd love to get to know a stunning creature like you. 3119.8 days ago
Kryslin : Purrs I'm good everyone 3121.5 days ago
Koda Wolfgang: Hey! A taur! A rare find. How are ya? 3124.9 days ago
Hailstone Clash: howls to you 3125.1 days ago
Mike Furry: and a merry christmas too you too 3136.3 days ago
sexykitty2: pulls your tail ........U happy im on 3138.2 days ago
Kyrain: hio 3141.8 days ago
Źõęÿ: Yes? 3151.3 days ago
Źõęÿ: Yes? 3151.3 days ago
〖『ησνα』〗: Hey, just saw your message on my wall. Yes, I would like to be friends. 3160.2 days ago
〖『ησνα』〗: Hey, just saw your message on my wall. Yes, I would like to be friends. 3160.2 days ago
〖『ησνα』〗: Hey, just saw your message on my wall. Yes, I would like to be friends. 3160.2 days ago
Scourge Foxtail: HEY! 3164.9 days ago
Mike Furry: moo to you too! 3166.6 days ago
FoxyRoxie🐺: Hedo 3167.7 days ago
Kryslin: I yiff you all 3169.2 days ago
Skift: Sure we can be friends 3173.7 days ago
Jade Blackpaws: Hey there! Nice to meet you and sure, I'll be your friend. 3174 days ago
Bubbles: Sure, love to be friends 3176.2 days ago
Kerrat: (wags tail against wall) 3178.4 days ago
Kryslin: I am very lonely 3179.2 days ago
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: (yiffs) C: 3187.1 days ago
Kryslin: Boop 3188.1 days ago
Kryslin: Hi 3188.1 days ago
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: (places a cookie on your doorstep, rings the bell and runs off while laughing like a maniac) 3192.3 days ago
Neerik: yaas. added you 3201.4 days ago
Guardian : Lol love the new pic! 3201.6 days ago
Sam: Marks agian. 3207.1 days ago
Alure Seaside: Your wall has been stamped by my tail heart. You have permission to grab! And of course we can be. 3208.1 days ago
Vinals Fox: id love to 3208.4 days ago
Guardian : ;) 3208.5 days ago
Guardian : I suppose we could be 3208.5 days ago
Aerogon: Sure .. 3209.4 days ago
Kanno Subby 💕: hehe 3210 days ago
Kanno Subby 💕: Hehe i love the posts 3210 days ago
hiroki: Hi hi w I'm hiroki nice to meet chu!!!! 3217.5 days ago
vampire: shore lets be friends OwO 3221.8 days ago
Arconius: My wall! 3222.4 days ago
Sam: Sam marks here. 3222.9 days ago
oreo the pandabunny: hi gray 3224.5 days ago
Stavinair Bluewing: ..... 3230.3 days ago
Honda trx450r rider : Honda tagged ur wall ha! 3233.1 days ago
Grayhuskie: I am with kreega 3240 days ago
Edvin: Hi, saw your shout on my wall and accepted your friend request new friend :3 3242 days ago
Sir Devearux SquishyButt: This wall is mine now XD 3244.3 days ago
Shadowcat: You have been pounced! 3244.3 days ago

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Banned For: Sexual Harassment

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