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Sora's Fursona Avatar
Name:Sora in City Offline
Member ID:4310
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:11335
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Future Space for Blogs

Nully: Haven't been on this janky little site in what feels like a lifetime and a half, but I needed to come back to where it all started. I never in a million years expected to meet someone on here who would impact me as much as you have. We've been there for each other through good times and bad alike over the last almost decade. I still can't grasp it, I still can't accept it. Wherever you are, know that you've taken a piece of my heart with you. I love you so much and was so happy to get to share each other's journeys through life. Your journey has come to an end, but I will keep pushing for the both of us. Rest in peace 64.6 days ago
Roronoa: Pets him on the head.- 2638.2 days ago
YappiePanRockinaPa: just wanting to say hello 3047.4 days ago
Soapyotter: hows a kitty doing? rain rain rain tomorrow we get sun! any excuse to go run around in it is a good one bounces! 3047.5 days ago
octibit: hello 3086 days ago
Soapyotter: bounds around your wall and plays tickle the black stripes! Hehe! hope you've had an exciting adventure while away 3089.5 days ago
Soapyotter: wages to the other BC fuzzy! 3112.8 days ago
Iota and Freyr: Hey cutie they wave 3136.8 days ago
Gipsy Wolf: Pretty kitty :3 3165.1 days ago
Vince: hola :) 3210.8 days ago
Vala: oh wow, that profile image is cute. You're a cute 3212.1 days ago
Lunos: (boops then hides) 3212.1 days ago
Grayhuskie: Hi I'm grayhuskie want to be friends 3228.1 days ago
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: Hope yer okay buddy. :c 3245.2 days ago
Brickwolf: Hi how are u waves 3279 days ago
Fenix : We should chat sometime, it would be cool to talk to a tiger. :3 3282.4 days ago
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: (kisses your cheek) Hope you're doing good. :D 3287.8 days ago
Kix: Rawr rawr, poked you on kik, but haven't heard from you in ages 3289.3 days ago
Sora: Hi and thank you everyone ;u; I should really look here more often x.x 3290.8 days ago
ΤΔΥ: i luff you too Sora. 3290.9 days ago
Ruddscut: Hello 3293.3 days ago
Kix: kiked you :) look forward to chitchattin! 3293.6 days ago
💜~Marxy the fenboi ~💜: hun? 3294.1 days ago
Wolfster Drew: sup 3300.5 days ago
Ruddscut: Hey 3302.5 days ago
Marxy Fox: giggles and licks the kitty's nosie 3302.6 days ago
Sora: Aww, cakes and rawrs, thank you guys ;u; 3302.9 days ago
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: (bakes you a cake) :3 3303.4 days ago
Marxy Fox: rawr :3 3305.1 days ago
Sora: Working on it '' 3316.5 days ago
The Lone Wanderer: hmm its missing something.. 3317.3 days ago

About Me:
I think alot about how you're doing, how much you've changed and stuff. I know I've changed alot ^^'' It's been... neat I guess. And I can't imagine all the neat... and possibly not so neat changes you've been through. And all the hair colors >o> Can you believe it's been over two years now? Crazy right .////. I suppose I'm just curious about where your life is going now, and... what's your newest ambitions and all that kind of stuff. It's all just kind of facinating. But yeah, y'know. I'm a cat I get curious. As always, I hope you're doing well.

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