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Faxis's Fursona Avatar
Name:Faxis in Brockville ON Offline
Founding Member

Furry Artists
Babyfurs and Caretakers
The Great White North
Ontario Furs
Gender Fluid Furs
PS4 Furries
Member ID:430
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:6527
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PSN Name:faxisthefox

Future Space for Blogs

Kryslin: Hi I'm kryslin want to be friends 3385.3 days ago
Flora Eclair MagicCaster: Your wall virginity I have taken it 3538.4 days ago

About Me:
A two-tailed (sometimes 3!) kitsune from the fabled north-eastern wastes of Ontario Canada, Faxis grew up in the 1980s in the suburbs of a small town with his 2 brothers. Identified as a furry shortly after our town established an Internet connection. Mostly started as a Sonic SatAM fan, found there were more and more out there who seemed to enjoy a lot of the same shows/themes as he did. Shy by nature at a young age, Faxis mostly kept to himself. Lurking in the shadows of the Internet and not socially active until much later in his mid 20's. He enjoys drawing and sketching anthro art but despises colouring unless completely necessary. Is fairly confident in his abilities but realizes he has a long way to go if he is to realize his dreams of becoming a full-time illustrator. Hobbies include playing guitar, being a techy, and trying all sort of things creative-wise. Spends a lot of time with his new found furry friends playing Magic the Gathering at his local game shop. Happily engaged to his non-furry-but-if-he-had-to-choose-a-fursona-would-be-a-werewolf boyfriend Kalee.
So thus begins the ongoing adventures of Faxis the Kitsune... may the future be kind and his friendships even kinder. ♥

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