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gone's Fursona Avatar
Name:gone in City Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking
Founding Member

Uncollared kitten
Member ID:236
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:42052
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Spots: This account is dead. Oh well 1456.3 days ago
Willow: Happy lateearly birthday, hope you are doing okay 1533.6 days ago
Kael: Hey yo ;3 1568.2 days ago
glitchy: i like your avatar! 1583.8 days ago
Spots: I'm glad heh 1603.7 days ago
Snowball *0w0*: Hey I like ur profile pic ;p 1605.3 days ago
Caillech: Thank you for the welcoming! 1631.3 days ago
Sam: Boop! 1642.7 days ago
Sam: Boop! 1642.7 days ago
Takola Vashen: :3 thank you 1643.9 days ago
Kendra: Thank you :3 1644.3 days ago
Takola Vashen: Cute change :3 Absol is one of my favorites 1645 days ago
Akaiya: Boof! 1651.7 days ago
jackson spring: yello 1659.3 days ago
Takola Vashen: Hi hi :3 1669.5 days ago
Takola Vashen: Boop 1672.5 days ago
Mint: -- I've nothing else to do. 1688.4 days ago
Mint: Hello! I figured I'd introduce myself, since 1688.4 days ago
Grey: naws on your cat toy 1750.8 days ago
Willow: Mine 1949.1 days ago
Shade : Thank you! Yours is pretty good too! 1970.9 days ago
Syn: Thank you! 1988.5 days ago
razzle: hey there, thanks for the welcome 2086.4 days ago
Spots: Thank you for it. It really is cute :3 2095.8 days ago
Rollo: That pic makes me happy to see x3 2095.8 days ago
Spots: Ohgosh D: 2098.8 days ago
Shazi: -Takes a shark bite out of your wall- You've been chomped! 2098.8 days ago
Mazzy: Leaves cookies and pawprints on his wall 2129.3 days ago
Spots: Nyah.. Mmeee..? 2131.4 days ago
Guardian: Whose a good boy? 2131.8 days ago
Spots: Meow... thank you... You're pretty cute yourself.. -mews quietly as he bats his tail 2141.3 days ago
Nicolette: Yasssss OwO two cute booty kitties 2141.4 days ago
Kdog: Thank you for the welcome! 2154.7 days ago
Spots: :3 2176.2 days ago
Milo: Thank you 2176.3 days ago
GamerDude758: Thanks for the welcome message! 2186 days ago
Spots: Hello 2200.2 days ago
Sam: Hi :3 2200.2 days ago
Spots: Meeeow.. rolls onto his back and bats his tail 2202.7 days ago
Roronoa: Grabs the kitty's butt.- 2203.4 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: strokes your back in passing.. 2203.4 days ago
Spots: No I'm not who 2243.3 days ago
Jack: Who are you 2243.8 days ago
Spots: YoU dOn'T kNoW mEeH 2246.4 days ago
❀Electro✿: Professional ass eater?;p 2248.1 days ago
Spots: Hehe hey Fuzz. And glad you like it 2249.8 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: puts paw print on your wall... and love the new avatar pic! 2250.1 days ago
Spots: hey hey 2283.2 days ago
Sam: Hello :3 2283.8 days ago
Spots: Hello 2317.7 days ago
Aeco: Heyhey you! :3 2319.3 days ago
Spots: Hey baby 2339.5 days ago
❀Wolf Witch Electro✿: pouts and curls up in his bed and hugs his blanket 2340.1 days ago
Spots: Hoya 2340.2 days ago
ArthurLaCat: bonjour 2341.2 days ago
Spots: whimpers and squirms 2346.9 days ago
Roronoa: Spanks the kitty.- 2347.2 days ago
Spots: Hoi 2353.1 days ago
Bunnie Bun Bun: hello, i am new and wanted to start knowing others on this site, this is the first time useing a difrent site in a year other than just Fur Affinity, I used other sites but never worked out 2355.3 days ago
Frexy: hi my name is Jaryn 2370.7 days ago
Spots: Mmeow..? blushes and looks up 2426.1 days ago
Roronoa: Kisses his forehead and runs away.- 2426.2 days ago
Spots: :3 2439.5 days ago
Spots: You're welcome 2439.6 days ago
Shazi: Aw, thank you kitty ;w; I only just now noticed. 2439.7 days ago
Spots: purrs and kisses back 2450.4 days ago
❀Electro✿: curls up tightly around the kitten and kisses gently 2451.1 days ago
Spots: Love you too sweetie 2460.3 days ago
Electro: picks up the kitten and smooches all over love you baby 2461 days ago
Spots: Hello 2475.8 days ago
wolfy: hi 2475.8 days ago
Spots: heya 2560.2 days ago
snow: hello spots 2560.5 days ago
snow: will you play with me 2577.3 days ago
snow: hi 2577.3 days ago
Rain Frostwing: Hai hai :3 2577.8 days ago
Spots: nyuuuuu 2635.4 days ago
Silas Ghost: yes i do like weapons! my house is filled with swords, axes, war hammers, daggers, and a crossbow. oh and a suit of armor! 2642.4 days ago
Spots: You seem to like weapons hehe 2648.4 days ago
Silas Ghost: Hungary! cool! i got a knife from Turkey! its made of brass. 2648.4 days ago
Nhyts: Sleepy even.. lol sweet dreams. 2683.1 days ago
Nhyts: Tucks the sleep kitty in :3 your turn hehe 2683.1 days ago
Nhyts: Off 2683.6 days ago
Nhyts: hugs you then sneaks back of to bed 2683.6 days ago
Nhyts: I'm suppose to be asleep I know... But I miss you. 2683.6 days ago
Nhyts: O.o 2683.6 days ago
Kusafox: sends boops 2709.5 days ago
Aurora : Places my paw print on your wall 2819.1 days ago
Ghost: Cutie cutie, lil Kitten 2853 days ago
Spots: What is a cenocriss? 2854.5 days ago
Rezziel Zioto: Xenocriss for no reason. 2854.7 days ago
Spots: Ta 2862.7 days ago
Jason the Shifter: Haro 2862.8 days ago
Spots: Hey 2932.1 days ago
Adam The Chespin: Hi! 2933.3 days ago
Spots: Hello :3 2949.5 days ago
Inkuro Belis Isaka: Hey there 2950.7 days ago
Spots: Hi! 3035.4 days ago
Kieran Frost: Hello 3035.4 days ago
Spots: Hi. That's nice of you 3039.8 days ago
Kairon: Rawr! Hello :3 Your sona is adorable! 3040.1 days ago
Spots: awww im glad you do 3063.1 days ago
*Isaac*: love your avatar 3063.1 days ago
Spots: hewwo 3076.8 days ago
Dodge Drogan: Wruff Wruff! Hai :3 3077.2 days ago
Spots: hi there :3 3083.9 days ago
🐆Whitepawzzz 🐆: Hello kitty 3083.9 days ago
Spots: hi hi 3092.3 days ago
Soapyotter: Chirp chirp! Hey there 3092.4 days ago
Kix: rawr! 3092.6 days ago
Spots: mmeow...? 3092.7 days ago
Dabz: mrawr 3092.7 days ago
Spots: hi there wolfie 3095 days ago
Arco James Furmen: Hello little cheetah. 3095.1 days ago
Spots: hello fellow feline :3 3095.3 days ago
Whitepawzzz : Hi cute cheetah 3095.5 days ago
zero: Saw you looking so I thought I'd stop by and say hi to the cute lil cheetah :3 3105.5 days ago
Spots: Awww.. So flattering 3113.7 days ago
Spots: ish no scary 3: 3121 days ago
Cain: ohh no scary cheetah. :P 3121.2 days ago
Spots: hewwo. sure thing! o3o 3185.8 days ago
Kryslin: Hi I'm kryslin want to be friends 3186.3 days ago
Kryslin: Hello there 3186.3 days ago
Spots: murr 3240.5 days ago
Seline: meow! 3240.5 days ago
Spots: sure thing :3 3246.5 days ago
Lotus the Vixen: may i skype u? 3246.6 days ago
Spots: meow meow 3253.7 days ago
Kix: rawr rawr!! 3254 days ago
Spots: aw. well people kinda get surprised over it 3257.2 days ago
Flicker: omg you're an absol??? Dude that's so cute like ??? 3261.7 days ago
Spots: I just clicked on your name and accidentally found myself there :o No idea x3 But your profile is very cuute 3288.3 days ago
mewster the femboi kitty: (Gasps) how could you look at my profile X3 3288.7 days ago
Spots: hey hey 3349.1 days ago
Wolfee: Hello there!. Just repaying the visit 3351.1 days ago
DrMagnet: Your wall has been Coned. prepare for smoother traffic 3359.4 days ago
DrMagnet: Your wall has been Coned. prepare for smoother traffic 3359.4 days ago
Spots: hey there 3385.8 days ago
Aria Auroralïs: Hello! owo 3386.4 days ago
Spots: hey 3392.4 days ago
silverwolf19: hi 3392.4 days ago
Spots: I'm fine as always B) 3394.6 days ago
Daionor: how are you? :3 3394.8 days ago
Spots: hiya! 3396.2 days ago
Flora Eclair MagicCaster: Your wall it has been poked 3396.2 days ago
Daionor: (waves) hey there 3396.7 days ago
Spots: heyhey a bit of a sore throat but otherwise good 3416.8 days ago
Axel Fang: hello how are you 3417.1 days ago
Spots: hi there 3424.4 days ago
Spots: nuuu im a cheetabsol D: 3451.6 days ago
DizZyRoo: heeyyy you arent a cheetah anymore. 3451.7 days ago

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