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Shannon's Fursona Avatar
Name:Shannon in City Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking
Member ID:22795
Last Active:07-26-2024 10:03 AM
Profile Views:906
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
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Future Space for Blogs

Unic0rn69: oh threaten me with a good time :P LOL 6.2 hours ago
Unic0rn69: oh so you like to bite huh GRIN 5.5 days ago
Jellybean: I am good, thank you for asking, how are you? :3 141.2 days ago
Jellybean: Also a little thing people do here Baps a paw print on your wall and books it 186.5 days ago
Jellybean: Hello there, welcome to this humble place- I'm still pretty new here- just wanted to pop in and say hai w)b 186.5 days ago
Shannon: Hi thank you 187.5 days ago
Unic0rn69: Welcome to Furrtrax, hope you enjoy it here. ... :) 187.5 days ago

About Me:
Im a wolf with a lot of grey fur with hints of black and mahogany. Im about 5'11 ft tall and I take much pride in keeping my fur and claws well maintained. ^-^ And I have bright eyes to strike fear into the hearts of my enemies from a distance O>:3

Just looking to socialize a bit more and try to expand the friend circle a bit. Not new to the furry scene but aside from online, I only know a few furs IRL. Im open to anything local or long distance. Open to the idea of hooking up. Im pretty laid back and easy to get along with. I like coffee, alcohol and rock music :p I lean to the serious side but can prove quite playful at times too! c: The nerdier side of this wolf likes to hang out, watch tv or play some old games on occasion.

Im usually busy with work so I can loose track of time easily. I have a kik so will sometimes talk there. I may come back and fluff up my bio later on. Feel free to drop in and say hi. I dont bite too hard :p

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