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Joker Wolf's Fursona Avatar
Name:Joker Wolf in Susquehanna Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking

FurrTrax Raffle
Pennsylvania Furs
Texan fuzzems
Warframe Furs
South Dakota Furrys
Member ID:3101
Last Active:07-25-2024 09:13 AM
Profile Views:18155
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
Kik:Hidden from Guests
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FurAffinity:Hidden from Guests
Facebook:Hidden from Guests
SecondLife Name:Joker_Wuff
XBOX Gamertag:JMSM92

Future Space for Blogs

Cyn: Good to have you back 27.4 days ago
Cyn: Been a while since I have you around Joker 132.4 days ago
Joker Wolf: It really has been another year..time truly does fly when you get busy. Wish everyone a happy new year, and hopefully a happy get older day to me, come tomorrow. 940.2 days ago
Joker Wolf: Merry Chrimbus, everyone. Hope you're all doing well, and staying warm. 944.8 days ago
Celer: Leaves Hoof prints on your wall 951.5 days ago
Joker Wolf: On the way home from Florida. The sun and sand was nice, but, i am ready to be back with my two babies. 954.9 days ago
LZ: Neat. 957 days ago
Joker Wolf: Currently in Daytona Florida, enjoying the sun and warmth..at least for another day or two. Beats being iced and snowed over for sure. 958.9 days ago
Joker Wolf: Danke! 958.9 days ago
LZ: Wow, like your sona, he's big. 969.5 days ago
LZ: Good! 977.3 days ago
LZ: Hi, how are u? 998.3 days ago
Liza: XD 1283.9 days ago
Liza: The way you feel about 28, was me in September. Im glad Im not alone lol 1285.8 days ago
Joker Wolf: Another year has come and gone, it seems. I'm surprised that i'll be 28 in less than 24 hours, though, it feels like i turned 27 just a few weeks back. Guess time flies, huh? 1305.7 days ago
Joker Wolf: Merry Crimbus, everyone. 1309 days ago
candy cane: im good 1416.6 days ago
candy cane: how are ya? 1417.8 days ago
candy cane: howdy 1520.8 days ago
jacob: copper 1620.3 days ago
jacob: iron 1620.4 days ago
jacob: titanum 1620.4 days ago
jacob: silver 1620.5 days ago
jacob: lava red 1621.5 days ago
jacob: dark red 1624.3 days ago
jacob: dark blue 1627.9 days ago
jacob: black 1634.5 days ago
jacob: white 1635.5 days ago
jacob: green 1639.5 days ago
Joker Wolf: I appreciate the thoughts and prayers. Things have been really rough for my family and i, but i trust that things will improve after all is said and done. We aren't guaranteed forever, and thus shows us how precious life truly is. 1644.9 days ago
Takola Vashen: My condolences, feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk too. 1645.7 days ago
Joker Wolf: Probably won't be on for a while. Started the new year with a dying family member, so who knows when i'll be back home or in a good mindset to talk. 1645.8 days ago
jackson spring: yello 1656.5 days ago
Little Tails: I wish both of you guys happiness and good health. 2020 can be your guys' year! Cheering you on :3 1661.5 days ago
Little Tails: You're not old, you're a classic! Happy cake day, floof. 1670.5 days ago
Joker Wolf: Can't believe i turn twenty seven today. Getting old, i say. 1670.8 days ago
Joker Wolf: Instant messager does not work properly on my device, so please use the regular message box (or my contact info) to reach me. 1958 days ago
Cynergi: Honks back 2203 days ago
Cynergi: why you honk at me? 2218.1 days ago
Cynergi: XP 2275.5 days ago
Cynergi: gropes the other place then 2290.5 days ago
Cynergi: gropes your ass 2294.1 days ago
Cynergi: Gropes a few times 2297.5 days ago
Queen moon: sup 2305.2 days ago
Cynergi: Playfully bites XP 2310.5 days ago
Cynergi: triple pokes back 2311.5 days ago
Cynergi: pokes back 2313.5 days ago
Joker Wolf: I suppose so. Gentle, behaved wuffs are hard to come by. 2350.4 days ago
Roronoa: This boy is a good boy 2351.1 days ago
Cynergi: no harm at all 2407 days ago
Cynergi: The fun Variety XD 2409.4 days ago
Cynergi: penis pokes? 2411 days ago
Cynergi: Depends on the type of pokes 2412 days ago
Cynergi: NO! Too many pokes! 2412 days ago
Cynergi: Triple poke! 2412.1 days ago
Cynergi: poke! 2412.5 days ago
Joker Wolf: Aye, i am. How goes it? 2417.9 days ago
miks: hey there wolf 2420.9 days ago
Roronoa: A warframe player on the xbone? Awesomeness 2511.3 days ago
Rezian: Hey! How've ya been?? Thoughtud swing by your page and leave ya a post :P 2672.9 days ago
Joker Wolf: Been ages since i updated anything here; nearly a year at that. But, i'm back now, so feel free to chat me up if it piques your interest. 2731.6 days ago
YappiePanRockinaPa: after noticing F4L came back to life , I know know other sites like this one aren't all that bad, so i wanted to start saying hello. 3049.3 days ago
Underskor: Holy adorable! 3079.9 days ago
octibit: hello 3088 days ago
Diego Zerro: Yes. I live on the south side of Temple. Waco isn't all that far from here. maybe 30 minutes? if that 3119.8 days ago
Joker Wolf: Indeedly so! 3119.8 days ago
Diego Zerro: That's so true better late than never :) 3123 days ago
Billythewilly: I realize it's a tad late but happy late birthday!!!! :) 3125.3 days ago
Joker Wolf: Hard to believe i turned twenty three today! It feels like a century has passed, but i know it has just been a long year. I hope to have many more years ahead, and maybe someone will come along to spend them with me. 3131 days ago
Joker Wolf: Merry and murry Christmas to everyone! I apologize for being gone for so long. Just been busy, and finally moved back to Texas yesterday. Not sure for how long, but, i'll try to make the best of it. 3134.1 days ago
kittykat : im doing great :3 3217.5 days ago
kittykat : How are you 3223.3 days ago
Joker Wolf: If anyone wants to chat, i can be reached by text or kik (as they are easier to access most of the time.) 3223.9 days ago
Joker Wolf: Well thanks! :3 3223.9 days ago
kittykat : thank you for what you said 3227.9 days ago
Joker Wolf: Finally settled into my new house! If anyone wants to chat, feel free to contact me! 3240.8 days ago
Joker Wolf: Leaving sometime this evening. Goodbye Texas, and helloooo South Dakota! 3255.2 days ago
Joker Wolf: I won't be around much, the next couple months due to moving. But, feel free to contact me via kik. 3273.3 days ago
Joker Wolf: Fairly well, aside from being wet from this rain! Thanks for asking. 3314.1 days ago
Hyde: Going alright, what about you? 3315.8 days ago
Aria Auroralïs: o3o 3364.3 days ago
Joker Wolf: Hello, hello. I apologize for not getting on much, but i am usually busy a good portion of the time. 3364.8 days ago
Joker Wolf: Hello, hello. I apologize for not getting on much, but i am usually busy a good portion of the time. 3364.8 days ago
Aria Auroralïs: Yerf! 3382.1 days ago
Citlali: Hai there. 3390 days ago
FloriaWolf: Hello 3395.5 days ago
FloriaWolf: Hello 3395.5 days ago
Flora Eclair MagicCaster: Your wall it has been poked 3396.3 days ago
Joker Wolf: Thank you. 3406.3 days ago
Riley Collins: damn, i like your style 3410.4 days ago
Joker Wolf: Hello, to you aswell! Apologies for the late reply. 3411.8 days ago
wolf_girl: hello 3412.8 days ago

About Me:
Hey there, i'm Joker.
Just a silly wolf with a big heart.
I'd list off things about me, though, that'd spoil the fun of asking.

Telegram: @JokerLWolf
Xbox: JMSM92
Steam: (Ask, and thou shall receive 🐺)
If you'd like to know more--just ask, i will answer as best i can.

And again, ask me anything, the worst that could happen, is i don't have an answer.
All questions will be met with an answer, if i have the means or knowledge to do so.

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