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Alex fluffyfur's Fursona Avatar
Name:Alex fluffyfur in Charleston Offline
State:South Carolina
Species:polar bear
Relationship:Single and Looking

Gamer furs
gay furs
League of Legends
Gay And Closeted
SC Furs
Member ID:12515
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:8983
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
Kik:Hidden from Guests
YIM:Hidden from Guests
FurAffinity:Hidden from Guests
Facebook:Hidden from Guests

Future Space for Blogs

🐾 Half-Note 🐾: Happy faggotday, ya faggot. 3160.1 days ago
Kovyn: nudge nudge :3 3213 days ago
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: Yah. :C 3216.5 days ago
Alex fluffyfur: wat 3216.7 days ago
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: Nooooooo. You're of the homogender now? :( 3216.7 days ago
Alex fluffyfur: pfff u wish 3231.9 days ago
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: YOU'RE MATED NOW?! How dare you cheat on me... How DARE YOU! (cry) 3231.9 days ago
Flicker: hey :P 3241.8 days ago
Flicker: Heu, can I get your kik?? 3241.8 days ago
Alex fluffyfur: What makes you love them ;; 3245.9 days ago
Frankred: The first polar bear, I love polar bears :3 3247.4 days ago
Alex fluffyfur: (flails self to try and put out fire) 3253.4 days ago
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: (lights you on fire cuz' you're so hot we need to compromise) 3256.5 days ago
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: You're no ninja. You're not trained in the art of viewing pages while logged out! Everyone could see you all along, coming and going as you pleased. 3313.2 days ago
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: And the hug itself, of course... Bleh! (hugs) 3317.6 days ago
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: I've seen you spying on my profile. Here's a hug. Welcome to FurrTrax. 3317.6 days ago
Rabs Whitetail: Thanks! Happy to be here. 3317.9 days ago
Djonny Dog: woof hello there. 3318.2 days ago

About Me:
Normally it goes wake up go to school, get home than game than sleep. On weekends its work all weekend long than talk to friends until i fall sleep.
I'm pretty fun to talk to if you are willing to chat i'm up for it. Not much of a yiffy of a guy.
I get told i'm a really relaxed guy/chill.
send me a msg if you want to chat :P
kik: alexpolarbear

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