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Dark wolf's Fursona Avatar
Name:Dark wolf in Duncannon Offline
Relationship:Rather Not Say

Domination and Submission
Music Furs
British Furrs
vore muzzs
chubbies for chasers
gay furs
Fuzzy Love
gay yiff
Pansexual Furs
Music Enthusiasts
pillow lovers
furrys looking for pets
Bisexual Furs
Breeding Den
Daddys and Littles
Large Cocks of Furrtrax
Animal Lovers
Member ID:20650
Last Active:04-11-2021 03:09 AM
Profile Views:4208
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
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Facebook:Hidden from Guests

Future Space for Blogs

Sam: Henlo 1198 days ago
Queen St☆rdust Rose: Hello and Welcome fellow fur! hope you enjoy it 1210.4 days ago
Bullitt: lol, used bad dragon toys? A bit dirty xD 1218.2 days ago
Air: So cute. 1219.4 days ago
Renaux: Thanks for the welcome. 1219.5 days ago
articumbreon: ello welcome to the site leaves a glowing yellow paw print on your wall and walks off shyly 1220.6 days ago
Sam: Hiya cutie welcome to Furrtax ;3 1223.5 days ago
Keirin: Welcome to furtrax 1226.2 days ago
Little Tails: Welcome to the site! -gives cookie- 1226.6 days ago

About Me:
I like furry and yiff art and I like yiff and if you have bad dragons toys that you don't want anymore or you know someone let me know and hope you have a great day OwU and I'm switch so I can do top or bottom and if you want to be friends with me just let me know and I'll be your friend OwU hugs and you can ask me any questions just ask or message me and I like video games and playing guitar and hanging out with friends and skateboarding and I like to draw furry

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