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Donovan's Fursona Avatar
Name:Donovan in City Offline
Relationship:Rather Not Say

Destiny Furrs
Member ID:19410
Last Active:07-26-2024 16:49 PM
Profile Views:7361
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PSN Name:yourchutoy

Future Space for Blogs

Jellybean: I've never seen you before so- HYA- (Smacks a paw print on your T.V. and books it) 297.3 days ago
CoLLieNate: Sniff 781.7 days ago
Cyn: hey! Who did your arts? And who are the other Chars you have up? 803.3 days ago
SacroBiBear: Hello! 882.3 days ago
LZ: Also I love your profile picture. :3 998.1 days ago
Morganna: Thank you for welcome 998.9 days ago
LZ: Hi, how are u? 999.1 days ago
Celer: I'm about an hour from Houston, and 3ish from dallas, we are having nice warm weather here lately 1535 days ago
Celer: howdy Donovan :) 1538 days ago
Paq: It was just to establish that i went with a more Sci-Fi character. That context was just brief. Trying to work on an actualy Biology and history when I fine time. 1556.4 days ago
Paq: New stuff. Not the same as my old Fursona 1557.5 days ago
Paq: I do not know 1558.1 days ago
Paq: Call it an experiment or a change of pace. something new. 1559.3 days ago
Cynergi: Why is it any concern of yours? 1561.5 days ago
Folfychancg: Hey everyone knows he likes me better because I'm Funsized XD 1798.3 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: ;) 1804.4 days ago
Cynergi: Nah. He cannot lay claim to me. It is forbidden! XD 1804.4 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: Nope, not laying any claim to anyone... just letting her know I am thinking of her.. 1806.6 days ago
Cynergi: It helps that I am one of the few active females on the site who is friendly and open minded and just out to have a fun time. 1837.6 days ago
Akaiya: Boof. 1843.3 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: wait, you wanted to finger Her box adn ended up groping ME??? 1845.1 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: REturns the surprise groping, with interest!!! 1845.1 days ago
Cynergi: It is just a little mistake. No harm I am sure. 1845.6 days ago
Cynergi: I saw that LMAO 1845.6 days ago
Cynergi: You messed up again 1845.6 days ago
Cynergi: Gropes your wall 1845.6 days ago
Cynergi: Fondles the wall 1845.6 days ago
Cynergi: Depends. PM me and we can Discuss it or get in chat when I am on 1867.2 days ago
Cynergi: Yes I am 1870.5 days ago
NJMike: I mean thank you! God I'm so awkward. 1895.3 days ago
NJMike: Oh, weird I guess forgot to thank you for the welcome a while ago, so welcome. 1895.3 days ago
Ripper: thanks for the welcome 1907.1 days ago
Geode Aurora Nox-Ignis: thanks for the welcome 1910 days ago
Yuri Jaxis Wolfen: Your welcome :) 1940 days ago
Yuri Jaxis Wolfen: Hello Donovan and welcome to Furrtrax, please enjoy your time here 1941 days ago

About Me:
A fierce and powerful Garou warrior bearing a fearful curse upon his Crinos form. Usually kind and friendly towards others he is brutish to his enemies.

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