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Welcome to FurrTrax? FurrTrax is the Fastest Growing new Furry Social Network that is completely free to use, and most importantly, We are non-profit, owned and run by Furrys, for Furrys.
We are not a pay site, and we do not require subscriptions or any of that stuff. Join Now! Enter Live Chatroom as Guest! |
Broken Images on FurrTrax and in Chat rooms Posted by: DarkXander at 08-28-2024 18:33 PM |
This weekend our current CDN provider is planning to go out of business and shut down their cache servers, this will likely cause broken images on certain parts of the site, and in the chat rooms. No need to panic, we are looking into options for another CDN provider. But there will likely be a lead time to get everything working. That is all. |
4 Comments to this article | 1522 Views |
Spotlight: Under age accounts Posted by: Unic0rn69 at 09-20-2023 04:00 AM |
There has been an issue as of late. Too many people have been putting in invalid Birth Dates.
So any Birth Dates other that real dates will be Will be marked as UNDERAGE, thus will be locked out of any and all Adult sections. |
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Spotlight: Snow is falling. Posted by: Kovu at 12-21-2022 20:43 PM |
Greetings every Fur! It's that time of year again. Hang your stockings and decorate your trees. And put up the Christmas lights. All of us here from the Furrtrax team. Wishes you a happy holidays Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope your holidays are eventful and fun. And we hope you stay with us and join us for another year coming around the corner. |
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How to file an AR Posted by: Siris at 10-14-2020 19:30 PM |
As I have noticed a minor uptick lately I wanted to throw a few reminders out to people on how best to file reports so as to assist the Moderation and Administration teams in replying to your reports.
First and foremost use the report feature on the site. While I am sure my fellow moderators will gladly agree I will not speak for them but I am always happy and will try to respond to direct messages if able. These messages, however, are only visible to me and so can not ensure that I am looking to see the message come in. You are far better off filing a report where any member of the team can see your report.
When submitting your report please include the following:
- Name of person - Yes this does seem redundant but it makes for a quicker and easier response when reading
- A brief description of the grievance
- A screen shot is always useful if you can provide one (gyazo has a free service if you need one) |
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Spotlight: 20,000 Came and went it seems... Posted by: DarkXander at 07-13-2020 21:57 PM |
Didn't even realize we crossed 20,000 members, and people have been saying roughly since I founded the site that we would fail in a matter of months. Looks like broken clocks are not always correct at least twice a day. |
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Temporarily taking control over Furrtrax. Posted by: Kovu at 01-20-2020 20:27 PM |
Hello all members of Furrtrax. DarkXander will be stepping away from the website temporarily. So until he comes back I, Kovu, will be watching over the website with the help of our fellow staff members. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to direct them to me or other staff members. |
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Spotlight: HoliDays Greetings Posted by: Kovu at 12-17-2018 12:54 PM |
All of us on the FurrTrax team would like to wish everyone a Happy HoliDays and a Happy New Years. and we hope that your HoliDays feel good and you enjoy all website and it treats you well. From the FurrTrax team. |
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Spotlight: Happy Independence Day Everyone! Posted by: DarkXander at 07-04-2018 13:28 PM |
Today is the day that the fires of freedom burn brightest in the hearts of American Patriots, Whatever you do today, be sure to take pride in it, and remember how lucky we are to be given the freedom we enjoy so much, and how we got it! |
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More stupidity from H Wolf, and false allegations. Posted by: DarkXander at 05-26-2018 22:42 PM |
Some of you may have seen some of the somewhat misguided posts by a user known as Wolf, or H Wolf, etc.
He alleged that Pounced is under some kind of investigation for child related offenses, and then alleged that their owner or another staff member was also a moderator on this site, in an attempt to frighten users of this site, as retribution for posting all his harrassing E-Mails towards us publicly.
1. None of the staff of Pounced are, or have ever been involved in admin functions or moderation of furrtrax.
2. Whether they are actually under some mysterious investigation or not is not known to us, and is likely also hot air from him.
3. In yet another E-Mail to me, he seems to insinuate or lightly threaten that the FBI will be reaching out to me, well, I work with them periodically, they have my number, and i have theirs, just talked to them 2 weeks ago. I have even worked with law enforcement several times when incidents of sexual harassment had occurred on the site and provided pertinent information as was necessary. Our track record is spotless.
Now might i direct to wolfs latest E-Mail: My Response: If your ever in Arizona send me an E-Mail, ill stand up to ya if you really want it. But only because you asked nicely  --- Xander Venterus Owner of FurrTrax Social Networks http://www.furrtrax.com
On 2018-05-18 16:21, H. Wolf wrote:
I see you aren't an adult.
So, since you are but a child, let's go outside and I'll just put you in your place that way.
Are you man enough?
No? Just going to hide behind your keyboard eh?
Tell the FBI I said hello ==============
Back to me again: At this point im becoming annoyed with this H. Wolf internet tough guy, So on tuesday after the holiday im going to reach out to my own FBI contact, and put all his emails, and the details of this exchange on record, so if he continues to place threats, and harass us, the joke will eventually be on him. |
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Spotlight: Continued slurs and veiled threats against us! Posted by: DarkXander at 05-16-2018 01:21 AM |
E-Mail was too long to effectively screenshot so im pasting it. The top section is my reply to him. 1. Saying that we are America First is a slur, Whether you dis-agree or not with that, i dont care. We have members from all around the world, every continent, and they all get along peacefully here other than the occasional spat between peeps. 2. "Assuming you are like other people around me???" Not even sure what your onto there other than perhaps again saying something about Americans. 3. You had the chance to reply courteously and professionally and chose not to, thus you lost my respect. Shock E-Mails don't work on us. 4. You are a resident of La Paz, Mexico, I knew that when i first observed your account. 5. Here again you slur about "gosh, I just realized, are ALL Americans immature trolls?" This is the land of the free, and home of the brave, if you don't like it too bad, I have not discriminated against you, but you have against us. 6. FurrTrax DOES NOT have customers, FurrTrax is a not-for-profit group, we do not charge for ANYTHING! We accept donations if people are willing, we ARE NOT in business. So feel free to threaten to start a competing site, many have and we are still here, and as we do not sell anything, any competition you might someday provide is meaningless to us. 7. Again we are not a business, I am a cyber-security engineer(Certified CCNA, CISSP, Computer Forensics, and Ethical Hacking), and law enforcement contractor day job wise, i make all the money I need, thus i don't need to charge for anything on FurrTrax, it is a community service project, free for everyone. 8. Your better off antagonizing furrymate/bronymate/furfling/others... They are all the same company/guy living in his basement who has also passed threats to us, and even tried to pay us to advertise his site on ours, to which we declined, since we really don't need the money nor would we be connected to their scammy organization in any way. We helped expose their use of fake bot accounts to trick people into paying for accounts as well. 9. As to your disclosure segment, threatening to start your own site essentially, go ahead, do it, wont affect us in the slightest. 10. As for expecting an apology from me, after all you have said, you will be waiting for quite some time, because i have nothing to apologize for. --- Xander Venterus Owner of FurrTrax Social Networks http://www.furrtrax.com
On 2018-05-15 12:01, H. Wolf wrote:
I assume I can speak to you as an adult. Please correct me if I am wrong and I will address the matter in a more appropriate manner conducive to your understanding, as you obviously have made gross assumptions which are surprising to me in their lack of support from the conversation.
First, I don't have a clue what you mean by slurs, other than possibly you made a rash assumption based on your own personal experiences and perspective. I made no insult towards you and nothing was intended to be implied. Your assumptions about the nature of my humorous comments about the site's accessibility were grossly misunderstood, likely as a result of your assuming that I am like other people around you. Sorry, but I am not an immature furry troll who goes around insulting people for personal pleasure or out of boredom.3
I am not a resident of your country, something you COULD have and SHOULD have assumed based on my statements. And as I am not an American (gosh, I just realized, are ALL Americans immature trolls?) I am not privy to your perspective, nor do I share it. But as the owner and operator of a website, I made what should have been a reasonable assumption, that rather than making rash assumptions that your customers are all immature furry trolls, you would ask questions as any business professional would, rather than just assuming the worst (whatever that worst is, and that is apparently that I'm just another immature furry troll.)
Having seen your response and perusing the site further, I am met with a logical explanation for your assumptions: that you are in fact surrounded by nothing but immature furry trolls, relatively speaking. (By the way, you do not use an apostrophe to pluralize anything except all-capitalized abbreviation, so it's not "Story's" it's "Stories" and it's also "ABC's" although the apostrophe isn't actually necessary as long as it is lower case according to common use...and in case you should decide to assume yet again, I am in fact well educated including in the English language.)
So, I would request an apology from you for your assumptions. I would also suggest you consider being a bit more curious and concerned when dealing with customers, because you never know what kind of influence your customers might have, and what kinds of platforms they have to wield that influence.
I await your apology. My platforms await my efforts (including screenshots!) to influence people's decisions on what furry personals' website to use and which ones not to use because they are run by pedophiles (Pounced.org), corporate thugs (FurryMate, etc.) or immature furry trolls...
Kind regards,
PS: A little disclosure if it helps: I am attempting to buy or start a furry personals' ads website because none of the sites I have seen thus far serve the needs of single furries. In that regard, thank you kindly for helping me understand why they don't serve the needs of single furries by further demonstrating that all those sites just appeal to...immature furry trolls. |
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