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Country Wolf's Fursona Avatar
Name:Country Wolf in Coosbay Offline
Species:Guardian Wolf
Relationship:Single, Not Looking

Gamer furs
Heavy Artillary
Volunteer Service Anonymous
diamond dogs
Member ID:7141
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:9945
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
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Facebook:Hidden from Guests
XBOX Gamertag:Johnywoood

Future Space for Blogs

Buckle : hay wolfy my phone broke and i could not get incontact with you 3539.1 days ago
Buckle : hi I'm in north bend bat huggles 3621.4 days ago
Hina: Hi 3623.4 days ago
Aria Auroralïs: Hugs back 3652.3 days ago
Country Wolf: Howdy. . 3652.3 days ago
Aria Auroralïs: Hi! OwO 3660 days ago
Fesothe: :) 3683.5 days ago
Country Wolf: Hey dude 3686.4 days ago

About Me:
Found during the Crusade war, he was adopted as a pup by the Templar knights who taught him the ways of war and the code of chivalry. After a major battle he was gravely injured when a fox child found him and nursed him back to health. Regaining full health, he thanked her and she wished only for him to stay. His refusal angered her and she revealed herself as the goddess of harmony and balance. Looking into his heart she saw his compassion and chivalrous nobility. She spared his life but cursed him with eternal youth and charged him with theduty of being her sword upon the wicked of the world. Throughout the centuries that have followed, he has kept chaos and havoc at bay. After ww2 she freed him of his duty but left the curse. Now he only seeks one thing he could never have while being her servant. Love.

If you call upon him, he will come; if you seek him, you shall not find him unless he want to be found. If he trusts you he will share his kill with you. If he respects you, he will kill for you. If you betray him, he will calmly judge if it is worth killing you over. His wants are few, his needs are fewer.

Can be a bit bullheaded from time to time, he is not above thinking it over.
Strong instincts, keen eyes, superb sence of smell and impeccable hearing lets him know where a squirrel is and tree the little furball.
Loves music and when enraged up to a point where feral overload looks immenant. Music truely calms the savage beast.
plays the banjo because he loves the sound of oldschool country bumpkin music.
loves all creatured... they are all great next to a side of mashed taters and gravy.

6'5" jet black wolf with bulging muscles and an abnormally long tail. His chest is bare and battle scars adorn his entire body. His eyes are golden and wild and he dresses in carpenter jeans and a white tanktop. Prefers being barefoot and naked but dresses when around others out of respect.

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