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Deltabooty's Fursona Avatar
Name:Deltabooty in Manteca Offline
Species:Mustang horse
Relationship:Rather Not Say

california fuzzies
Anime fur
Furry Artists
Steam furs
Fuzzy Love
Pokemon Fans
furrys looking for pets
public humiliation furs
Furry Puppets and Puppeteers
Member ID:2412
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:16516
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
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SecondLife Name:Deltabooty (deltamax94)

Future Space for Blogs

Trixie the Welder: Happy birthday!!!!! 2865.7 days ago
octibit: leave me the hell alone, you are picking a fucking fight with me. im saying nothing more to avoid getting banded 3079.2 days ago
Kix: rawr 3090.4 days ago
Guardian : Meow? 3210.2 days ago
EquusNaughty: Pants?? What are pants?? 3213.2 days ago
Cuddle Puddle: Hai!!!! Delta!! 3237.4 days ago
Kyrain: herro waves 3262.3 days ago
Riley Collins: I dont remember doing that 3271.2 days ago
Riley Collins: pants are needed 3377.3 days ago
john Woodcock: dont be shy horse it all natural. 3380.1 days ago
Citlali: Hiya. 3390.1 days ago
TazzieTiger: Hello there. 3395.3 days ago
Riley Collins: hey there 3409.4 days ago

About Me:
(my sona is totally a herm now. deal with it :P)

I've given up on making friends. They either get repelled by the stupid stuff I say, which I can't entirely control due to aspergers, or they just plain ignore me and don't talk to me once I tell them.

Or they just plain ignore me when I try to introduce myself to new people. So why bother?

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