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Nightshade Darkfang's Fursona Avatar
Name:Nightshade Darkfang in City Offline
Species:Fallen angel fox
Relationship:Single, Not Looking

Gamer furs
Heavy Artillary
Emo Furrs
The dark emo furrs
wounded souls
Advanced Warfare
Party Animals
Gravity Furrs
Member ID:11351
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:6026
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
Kik:Hidden from Guests
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FurAffinity:Hidden from Guests
Facebook:Hidden from Guests

Future Space for Blogs

Alana Rose: group foxes is getting a new look 3176.8 days ago
TylerKenneth: You have quite an assorment of weapons, and an interesting profile :) 3393.6 days ago
Kiri: hai there 3403.6 days ago
Nightshade Darkfang: Hai y'all lol ;3 3404.5 days ago
Axel Fang: hello how are you 3410.5 days ago
Nightshade Darkfang: Hai 3419.6 days ago
Acheron: Hello! 3419.7 days ago
Nightshade Darkfang: Hello 3423.8 days ago
Fesothe: Hi :) 3424.5 days ago

About Me:
Depressed, suicidal, fun loving, loyal. I am freandly and caring and always love to help. I am single for now for those who wonder but idc. I love RP and music. Imagination is my thing. I am not looking for love only rp. Btw no art is mine unless stated. Warning I am epraraly on with school time being only time able to be on.... No hate pls. I love dubstep, music, love, fun, magic, darkness, rp, war, flying, and gaming. I love to explore and imagine. I am very scientific and I am always researching.

My fursona is almost exactly like my profile pic except I have a 6" .44 magnum redhawk on my left hip and a 3" .50 magnum on my right hip. He has a k-bar on his right shin and on his back he has a vibro-blade. He has titanium alloy razor claws. He wears combat boots and he has a black choker with a fallen angel feather, a wolf tooth, and a permanent-glowing glow stick on it. He has piercing ice blue eyes and scars all across his chest. He has a super suit as well he uses for combat. He has tons of weapons and he can make weapons.(This all may sound childish but I'm just really imaginitive...)

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