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Majestic the brave's Fursona Avatar
Name:Majestic the brave in City Offline
Species: Artic polar Wolf
Relationship:Single and Looking

Domination and Submission
Gamer furs
Single Furs
Member ID:9657
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:5265
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About Me:
I do rp. Im tall, strong and fierce. My nickname is hellhound im looking to mate. Message me for my number to rp. I have been having trouble with my phone so I might not answer sometimes. Im big and brutish. My wolf rp character: tall, muscular, white almost silver fur, long snout, long tail, bright green eyes, and a long scar across my chest.

My fursona's past: majestic as his parents called him, is an orphan. His pack, once a mighty and beloved, as well as feared pack, was brought down by years of war. When he was born, his mother and father named him majestic. When he was 5, his father, alpha of their pack, was killed by the alpha of the rival pack, his mother, captured and tortured and raped and murdered by the rival pack. When he was 15, he fought with the rival pack, alone...thats how he has the scar. He has one across his chest, and another down one side of his face...he has one eye now. He wears an armour plate on his left shoulder, and his left peck. He wears a iron and steel helmet, with spikes on top. His shins and forearms have steel braces as armour and his right bicep has a metal brace as well.His sister, eva was killed by the rivals, he is now the last of the hellfire pack. He roams the lands, evading capture and murder. He has no friends, no family.He is lost and hungry with winter approaching. Will he survive? Will you help him?

More background: growing up, he met an old alpha, X-ray, who was injured. Majestic saved his life by freeing him. X-ray was killed later that day. Majestic, now alone met a stray wolf, Mileena. He approached her, slowly, and silently. He thought she was beautiful. He stepped on a twig, breaking it, alerting her. She then jumped on him, knocking him over and she pinned him down. "Who are you?" She demanded, noticing his scars. "My name is Majestic...I do not intend to harm you."

"What do you intend?"

"I intend on approaching you, asking your name and asking what pack you are from."

"My name is Mileena, I dont know my pack...my pack was slaughtered."

"As was mine...I am sorry about your pack." Majestic tries standing but Mileena, now almost in tears, is clinging to Majestic, wanting comfort. As they walk, Mileena leads Majestic to a cave and enters. She lays down, pulling Majestic with her and she falls asleep. Majestic wakes up to find Mileena cuddled to him, wrapped around him and asleep. Majestic strokes her cheek and runs his paw down her side and back up it. She wakes up and blushes. He is wrapped around her and not letting go.

"Its been so long since ive held another in my arms..."

"Hold me forever Majestic...let me fall asleep in your arms."

"Yes Mileena..."they fall asleep, only to be awakened by another wolf. The wolf, an alpha, jumps ontop of majestic, scratching him, biting him, and injuring him. Majestic in in poor condition, bleeding badly. The alpha is about to kill him when Mileena slicesthe alpha's throat, cursing him.

"Thank you...did you know him?"

"Yes...he was my brother."
"Iam sorry..."

Who will be Mileena? Message me for an rp or send me a chatroom invite and we can chat/rp. Dirty or clean I don't care.

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