Toxic: You will enjoy confuzzled 2016. 2015 was titled wonderland and the 2016 is titled Carnival of the Night and if your there look out for me and say hi 3595.4 days ago hazzz: heyy how are you? 3616.9 days ago
I'm Rachael otherwise known in the fandom as Draenard, how are you today? c:
I'm a quiet introvert the majority of the time however I do like the occasional chat, so don't hesitate to say hi!
(notice how i wrote chat... NOT yiff >_>)
I would love to meet anyone who has similar interests to me such as: stepmania/dance machines, hardcore music, enjoys listening to Renard Queenston, enjoys YTPs, is a PC gamer, LOVES cats (and I mean really REALLY loves cats) and has an interest in anime and cartoons.
I really really want to overcome my shyness and go to more conventions too meet more of you lovelies. I swear one day I will! >:3
Conventions/meets I have already attended:
London MCM Comic Con May 2014
London MCM Comic Con October 2014
London MCM Comic Con May 2015 London MCM Comic Con October 2015 LondonFurs EssexFurs Conventions/meets I'm attending hopefully in the future: