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The Kitty King's Fursona Avatar
Name:The Kitty King in Shreveport Offline
Species:Siamese cat
Member ID:8874
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:5807
Distance: Miles
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XBOX Gamertag:Lord Scifer

Future Space for Blogs

About Me:
Hello, the name's Sciferous (Scifer for short X3), welcome to my profile!:3

Soooooo I'm not really sure what all to put here, so bear with me.XD
I'm a 20 year old Siamese cat (A little on the fluffy size, fur wise!!:P), who's looking for some friendly furs to hang out with! I stand around 5'7, but I make up for my height.:P I'm well built, and I pack a pretty heavy punch (Not that I enjoy fighting.X3) and I normally have no trouble overpower most of you "Tall" guys.:P (Freak of nature, I know.>_<) But I'm totally not a sub, even though I may seem like one!XD Oh, I'm gay, if you haven't already got that. :P

But all in all, I'm friendly, out-going and pretty fun to have around sometimes!X3 So feel free to talk to me, I dun bite... hard.:P
(You may have better luck reaching me on Skype though. Sowwie.^.^)
I love talking and meeting new people, even though my mouth can get me in trouble sometimes. >3<

I wanna keep it interesting, so if ya wanna know my interests and what not, send me a message.:3

*Is in love with the love of my life, my reason for.living; Ditsi <3*

I'm still new to all this furry stuff, so I dun really have any fluffy (Or scaley :P) buddies.:/
Most I've met just wanna yiff ALL the time, so if that's you *Motions you to go the other way* go ahead and move along.XD

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