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Kerns Phoegon's Fursona Avatar
Name:Kerns Phoegon in tooele Offline
Species:Phoenix Dragon

Masters Cryptic Clarity
Dragon Castle
Domination and Submission
gay furs
Steam furs
PSN furries
Member ID:4319
Last Active:05-19-2022 21:49 PM
Profile Views:8959
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
Kik:Hidden from Guests
YIM:Hidden from Guests
FurAffinity:Hidden from Guests
Facebook:Hidden from Guests
PSN Name:phoegon

Future Space for Blogs

Buckle : For me I bought a house in San Antonio tx 737.8 days ago
Buckle : So what's new 737.8 days ago
Lily OMalley: Mai eyes 3373 days ago
Buckle : hay 3374.5 days ago
Riley Collins: so colourful 3374.6 days ago
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: Why hello. :3 3378.1 days ago
Kaio Kyrotera: Oh hi there! 3384.2 days ago
Jade Blackpaws: hugs hey there 3386.3 days ago
Kerns Phoegon: XD winks 3386.5 days ago
Karl Rayne: :D 3387.3 days ago
Illone: Noses your wall in return! 3389.1 days ago
Andrew the Deaf Lizard: poked back your wall 3393 days ago
Fesothe: Hi :) 3393.3 days ago
☢ korey redleopard ☣: nice to meet you to 3394.7 days ago
Tengu-San: Pokes wall back 3395.1 days ago
🐾🐺🌙Lyca🌙🐺🐾: hi, is nice to meet you 3395.1 days ago
Mike Furry: rainbow dragon! 3395.2 days ago
Flora Eclair MagicCaster: Your wall it has been poked 3396.1 days ago
KiloFox: Nice to meet you as well. 3397.1 days ago
Karl Rayne: Awwww, thanks. Kisses 3401.1 days ago
Kerns Phoegon: Yea... I got my kik running. sorry to those who sent me a message before. It is fixed 3405.1 days ago
Kerns Phoegon: .. Oh that's very kind of you 3418.2 days ago
Lone: one of the most beautiful dragons I've ever seen 3418.3 days ago
Kerns Phoegon: Thank you 3418.3 days ago
Lone: Awesome o.o 3418.3 days ago

About Me:
Texting Number. (435)277-0224 [Just for those who want to talk] (G. Voice number)

In short.
-Phoenix Dragon
-good sense of humor when I'm in a positive mood.
-some issues about trust & truth (I honestly prefer the truth of any lie)
-a bit of a gamer, furry, some weight issues.
-loves to talk about some things
-a bit opinionated in some areas, some might say strongly viewed :P or stubborn X.x
-likes to argue on some points
-likes RPGs, like DND
-Getting into art, and getting ready to study game design.
-bit of a messy one when it comes to the bedroom.
-really into computer tech & repair
-having a hard time getting & remaining self sustaining
-working part time in healthcare.

Texting is normally better then calling, & always open for Google hangouts, & chatting, even about anything.

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