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Holt's Fursona Avatar
Name:Holt in Fresno Offline
Member ID:2939
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:9862
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Skype:Hidden from Guests
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Facebook:Hidden from Guests
SecondLife Name:Internet sucks too much
PSN Name:Wolfybutt223
XBOX Gamertag:RobTheGreat223

Future Space for Blogs

Orayo: Hi. 2556.5 days ago
Zenta: -gasp- I have been pet by a wuff! 2556.6 days ago
Roronoa: Oh, hello there 2556.6 days ago
Silas Cog: take care of Zenta for me, he's a good friend of mine. Please don't hurt him. 2572.1 days ago
Zenta: That's cute, but, I love you more, so I win :P 2574.8 days ago
Sevitian: XD saw your local event i am responding ;) 2578.3 days ago
Lunos: (pokes with my tail) 2736 days ago
Lunos: . 2736 days ago
Ashven: Woof 2854.4 days ago
Lunos: (grabby paws) wolfyyy 3094.3 days ago
Artemida: Oh shifter! Hi there 3125.2 days ago
«ΤhεΘгίgίηΚσσlίσ»♥: Hellooooo :3 I dunno if you wall is empty because no comments of if you deleted them all but yeah. I'm doing this x3 3180.9 days ago

About Me:
Hey everyone! I'm a nutty changeling from Southeast Texas, I moved to California about a year and a half ago!

I'm really big into writing even though I'm not the most grammatically correct. I've been told I have an amazing imagination and I love to RP weither it be sexual or not. But be warned I am a sucker for cuddles! I'm not looking for anything outside of RP.

I'm a HUGE nerd and collector of all things shiny.

I also care about my close friends way to much. It's actually a flaw of mine!

I have two amazing boyfriend's. Dust the Fennec fox and the wonderful Zenta who you will find both here on Furtrax :3

Love to make some new friends and meaningful relationships!

Love y'all and looking forward to meeting everyone!

P.S. My name used to be Baclk on here!

TitleFilenameDoc IDDate Uploaded

Story's Posted to the BookShelf
TitleLast ModifiedBook IDDate Uploaded
Prolouge: Chaper 002-21-2014 22:12 PM
02-21-2014 22:12 PM
Ezra's Wood04-04-2014 08:18 AM
04-04-2014 08:18 AM

Holt's Forum Signature

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