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Reddragoncharlie's Fursona Avatar
Name:Reddragoncharlie in Saint Helens Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking

Single Furs
Undies Furs
Breeding Den
Furry Watersports
oregon furrs
Kinky Furs
Fur Match
Member ID:17144
Last Active:11-18-2021 09:35 AM
Profile Views:12576
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
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XBOX Gamertag:Darthfather93

Future Space for Blogs

Celer: I am looking into the matter will be discussing it with DarkX and or Kovu. however this should have been brought to my attn. Via PM not in my shout box 982.3 days ago
EverestHusky: Furries for Life! Happy to help! By Everest The Husky 995.1 days ago
Morganna: Sadly I did not get the chance this year 997 days ago
Morganna: I did thank you 997.8 days ago
Morganna: Happy Halloween back 998.2 days ago
Morganna: thank you for the welcome 1000.2 days ago
Reddragoncharlie: Fucking bots and thots who want to take advantage of your money, why? 1005.5 days ago
Reddragoncharlie: Boredom sucks. Lol 1030.5 days ago
Frisk: Thank you for the welcome 1052.5 days ago
Thiccydore: nice beard ed 1077.2 days ago
Tiff: Thanks for the welcome! 1087.3 days ago
Somnia Dreamweaver: thank you for the welcome 3 1094.3 days ago
Somnia Dreamweaver: pops into your comments and waves 1094.4 days ago
Reddragoncharlie: Blah. 1147.3 days ago
Reddragoncharlie: Absolutely bored. Anyone want to rp or just want to chat? 1180.4 days ago
Reddragoncharlie: Dead chats, dead site. : ( 1256.3 days ago
Reddragoncharlie: Bored. 1256.3 days ago
Buckle : Ty 1313.2 days ago
Buckle : Ty 1313.2 days ago
Buckle : Ty 1313.2 days ago
candy cane: hello... 1404.3 days ago
Cynergi: I am usuually around the chat from time to time 1405.6 days ago
Celeste: I hope you're having a good week so far too. And thank you for the kind comment on my wall 1429.4 days ago
Anya Underworld: Thanks sweetie 1433 days ago
articumbreon: -leaves a glowing yellow paw print on your wall then walks off shyly and finds a cave to sleep in- howdy brother curious what species u are pop me a msg some time 1449.1 days ago
Aurora : Mine 2814.1 days ago

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