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Raider's Fursona Avatar
Name:Raider in Leeds Offline

Gamer furs
British Furrs
Destiny Furrs
Furry Department of Defense
Huskies of FurrTrax
Xbox furrs
Bisexual Furs
Member ID:13369
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:8424
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
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XBOX Gamertag:I The Predator

Future Space for Blogs

Cain: Why are people stealing your bone? THat's not nice :( Sexy pic though. 3117.1 days ago
Jai: Hey. ;o Okay, sounds good. :3 3120.1 days ago
Sparky15756: Belated welcome, aha. 3182 days ago
Arazi Deaura: Sure sounds good enough to me I guess. 3210.1 days ago
Arazi Deaura: Well we can be brothers if thats what you wish. 3245.2 days ago
Ignis Agimaru: Hey matey! GOod to see other Brits! :D 3250.5 days ago
ethan blaze: poke 3251.5 days ago
Kungfu Kitty: Hello. how are you? 3253.5 days ago
Rezziel Zioto: Hi. back 3258.1 days ago
Rezziel Zioto: Also hi Raider. 3258.9 days ago
Rezziel Zioto: Aww thanks Stripe. 3258.9 days ago
conner wolfstien: i was at that point a couple weeks ago but my friends helped me diiscover who i was :P 3258.9 days ago
Rezziel Zioto: (rolls everywhere) 3259 days ago
conner wolfstien: hello how are you? and welcome to furrtrax! if you need anything let me know and ill help if i can! 3259 days ago

About Me:
- Apparently I'm the best looking male furry most furrs have ever seen
- I'm a flirtatious eccentric anthro Siberian Husky
- Arazi Deaura is my cousin
- I own a spaceship and a large laser cannon since I'm a space marine (everyones a little weird here)

- You'll usually find me making all the jokes (and particularly the lewd comments) in the Yiffing room. As well as grabbing a few butts

- When I'm not grabbing butts, I'm watching the chat. Making sure no-one is left out as im secretly caring. I've had a short life with too many experiences to make me this way.

- I'm a fan of the weird and wonderful. I fyou're part of a obscure fandom, chances are I love you for not being ashamed of how unique and open about who you are.

- I'm always looking for love but sex is good. And I'm well reversed in both. My first time yiffing was receiving oral in three different areas at once.

- I'm an avid Xbox gamer (poor choice I know) and work as an events manager. Or used to, I'm studying Computer animation and Visual Effects now

- Despite all this, I havn't accepted that I'm a furry yet, and this is the only site you'll find me. For the moment.

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