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Kupo!'s Fursona Avatar
Name:Kupo! in Their World.. Offline
Species:Wolf Demon Thingy

Member ID:9314
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:5920
Distance: Miles
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PSN Name:Angelwolfy775

Future Space for Blogs

About Me:

November 24th Happy birthday to Kupo


About Me: My name Is Elijah, I'm a self taught artist, I like hugs, food, and soccer. I'm always down for a conversation or RP (as long as it isn't yiff or smut) I love the emo style, I hate posers. I love helping others when they're upset. So if you ever meed to get something off your chest or vent or need any help, I'll gladly listen and try. Don't be shy to kik me.
My 5 favorite bands are: Afi, The Used, Of Mice and men, Panic at the Disco, and Rise Against.
Lastly the basics about me, I have a Beautiful mate, she is MINE only. If you ever try to cause problems with me and her I will hate you. And I hate no one. (: ♥ As long as that never happens you can consider us friends.
Ask if you want to know more.

About my Fursona:
Feral: I'm rather large for a wolf,demon, thing. I have red claws, fluffy, well groomed, brownish orange fur, Large Bat ears, a long black Dragons tounge, and a serpent tail. I have scary yet rather calming purple eyes. I go by 3 names, Kupo, Elijah, and Solus most commonly Kupo.
I wear a purple Scarf with bells around it, and Under mt scarf a red Pentagram sits on my shoulder.
The Bells on my scarf keep me calm so I don't well. Go insane with power and kill you all ♥ So try not to remove them please.
Anthro/Furry: Exact same, just Anthro. And I'll usually describe what I'm wearing when I do turn into my Anthro form.

•Big Sister: EmøDezzi :3

♥ My mate

Note: All art posted is mine, you can find me on Instagram: @Koutsu_Urufu

Deviantart : Toxicitywolf775

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