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brickwolf19's Fursona Avatar
Name:brickwolf19 in tyronza Offline

Domination and Submission
Gamer furs
vore muzzs
The dark emo furrs
Babyfurs and Caretakers
Team Fortress 2
Magical Furrs
Pokemon Fans
Paw Lovers
gay yiff
Member ID:6028
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:9920
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
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FurAffinity:Hidden from Guests
Facebook:Hidden from Guests
PSN Name:Brickwolf199
XBOX Gamertag:Ange1OfDeath19

Future Space for Blogs

max Williams: I miss you 3147.9 days ago
Brickwolf: Hey ppl who comment on this...this is my old ft profile 3205.2 days ago
xiller(max Williams): please come back 3212.9 days ago
xiller(max Williams): pleas for the love of derpey come back to me. I miss you. I need you. I love you. please. crys 3230.1 days ago
xiller(max Williams): I love you 3230.1 days ago
max Williams: crys and whimpers. Please come back to me my lovely and sweet wolf I miss you so much. I love you 3257.2 days ago
max Williams: please come back to me my dear wolf. I miss you so much. I love you 3267.1 days ago
max Williams: hugs you please be back soon I miss you so much I love you. kisses you I love you 3267.2 days ago
max Williams: I miss you and I am depressed without you. please be back soon.I love you please come back 3268.2 days ago
max Williams: I have been counting the days of how long you have been gone and miss you. I love you a lot and hope that you git back soon.I miss my wolf 3268.3 days ago
max Williams: hugs and kisses you I miss you a lot and hope that you git better and I can't wait until you git back 3278.3 days ago
max Williams: I miss you a lot and hope that u git better love u and I will talk to you when you git back 3290.2 days ago
brickwolf19: I'm going to the mental hospital for help talk when ever 3301.9 days ago

About Me:

Not much to say..I'm a nice friendly guy...I'm also a shy guy. If you message me i become open. Don't be afraid to kik me or message me on Skype. I enjoy being outside and I'm almost never bored unless i tired or inside i enjoy meeting new furrs. <3 i do not own this pic. a friend draw it for me.

likes: ~cuddling

~ being outside

~listen to music

~meeting new furries

Dislike: ~being ignored

~being alone

~ staying inside

~ bad ppl


I always answer kik message so message me somethime on it.


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