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omar*lonewolf*'s Fursona Avatar
Name:omar*lonewolf* in orlando Offline
Species:half human/demon wolf
Relationship:Single and Looking
Founding Member
Member ID:470
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:5922
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About Me:
I am left in this world alone to die.
No this isnt my picture i just use them but dont take credit for them.im looking for a down to earth female who will respect me for who i am and wont try to change me.
Mistress: violet angel bunneh

Dont ever say your you love me when you dont.im sick of being lied to.

Weapons:a large sword,a katana,and two pistols (given to me by a friend before his death)
abilities:strength,speed,highten senses
job:to keep peace in the demon world.

although my past is kept a secret.i came from a village full of demon with special abilities.my mother (whos was human) gave birth to me from my fathers seed (who at that was leader and full demon).since having relations with humans was not allowed my parents along with my village were killed.i was the only survivor.i have demon powers that my father gave to me with his sword right before death.now in present day earth i use my abilities and my sword skills to protect the weak from evil.used to be a alpha but my comrades left me to die.now staying a lonewolf to avoid problems involving my past that i try forget but is always there when i look at my tribal marks located on my right arm ,chest and abs.

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