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SouthPAW 's Fursona Avatar
Name:SouthPAW in Asheboro Offline
State:North Carolina
Relationship:Single and Looking
Member ID:22493
Last Active:07-19-2023 15:06 PM
Profile Views:611
Distance: Miles
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Future Space for Blogs

Lupine Furmen: Welcome to the service. Don't forget to check out the many groups and chat rooms. 373.3 days ago

About Me:
I'm a Wolf/Shep Dom Top looking for my forever pup. I treat my mate's with love and respect as long as the listen to daddy. I'm an ex police officer and I'm currently in Private security. Going to college for my BS in Cybersecurity. I love a cute femboy pup. I'm a big Doggo so if your looking for washboard abs, look elsewhere. If your looking for a big strong Dom that respects you as a mate and likes to cuddle after, You found me. I'm 270lbs right now but I'm working out all the time and still losing weight and building muscle. I'm definitely not just fluff. I'm a stout boy. Can't wait to chat and make some friends and find my forever boi. I lean more toward male attraction then female, but females still attract me. Feel free to say hi. I don't bite...too hard. Grrrr!

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