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ketio's Fursona Avatar
Name:ketio in Oklahoma city Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking
Member ID:8228
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:3538
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PSN Name:Wolf_tails

Future Space for Blogs

Jeran: you doing ok? been a while 3337.9 days ago

About Me:
Hello everyone welcome to my add!! *^.^* 

My name is miles wolf *takes a bow*

My fursona!
 I am a 7 tailed wolf shephard mix, I have lime green and black furr with blue eyes.

About me!
I was born on july 07 1987, I am 5,10 and 165 pounds with blue eyes. ill be 27 this year.I enjoy playing video games, sketching, working with computers, I really love to cook ^.^   my favorite music is techno. I Play the violin.My friends tell me I am a hard worker and a big dork. XD  But I can be shy at time but that will come to pass once I get to know you. Also I can be random and funny at times and I love to laugh.I am caring and a big sweetheart i believe in being loyal and honest. Im moving to texas to meet my father and family for the first time. I pretty much grew up an orphan Its been crazy let me tell you, moved around with roommates and been to too many states. lol X3

ps my cell is 918 856 2745 I have unlimited text feel free to say hi ^_^

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