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Robert Silvermyst's Fursona Avatar
Name:Robert Silvermyst in New London Offline
Species:Wolf Archangel
Relationship:Single and Looking

Domination and Submission
Dark Souls peeps
Single Furs
CT furrs
D and D Furs
Magical Furrs
Pokemon Fans
Crossdressing Furs
Pansexual Furs
Music Enthusiasts
Furries of Secondlife
furrys looking for pets
Bisexual Furs
RP Furs
Breeding Den
Member ID:14126
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:7701
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
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FurAffinity:Hidden from Guests
Facebook:Hidden from Guests
SecondLife Name:Semater
PSN Name:Irontail_Fratley

Future Space for Blogs

Eva Rima: bows gently Good evening sir Wolf. 3143.2 days ago
Isabella: i like fennekin cause its cute 3143.4 days ago
Isabella: hello mister wolf 3143.9 days ago
Gally: I'd like very much to chat on kik (; hope to get a message soon xo 3145.2 days ago
Gally: Why thank you very much bows generously 3145.5 days ago
☆ Cyclone ☆: Thank you for the cuddles :3c 3149.5 days ago
Blaise Harpsmith: May I add you there? 3176.1 days ago
Blaise Harpsmith: Good, thanks! Do you chat on Skype or Kik? 3176.2 days ago
Blaise Harpsmith: How are you, Robert? 3176.2 days ago
Blaise Harpsmith: Hi! 3176.7 days ago
Robert Silvermyst: Veteran's Day is here! Time to enjoy some free meals at Applebees 3 3180.6 days ago
Nightpaws: Busy but well yes 3180.6 days ago
grey1ninefurry: hehe thank you robert :3 3182.6 days ago
Nightpaws: Likewise Sir Robert. :) I hope life is treating you fair 3183.2 days ago
Sindelicious: waves a hoof and smiles 3185.6 days ago
Artemida: Returning the cuddles ;) 3194.4 days ago
Robert Silvermyst: Only a few more days until Furpocalypse. First fur con ever 3196 days ago

About Me:
Hello everyone. My name is Robert. I'm a single 35 year old male looking to have some love and fun added to my life.

I work nights, so I tend to sleep during the early morning hours, leaving me the afternoon and evening for fun. I'm equally at home on the couch playing games or roleplaying, and at walking around town, going bowling and hanging out at the mall.

I'm looking for a sweet submissive female or very feminine male/trans who is looking for a kind and loving dominant. Someone who enjoys a balance of fun and calm in their life.

About the world of my character
My character Bio

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