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Noctis's Fursona Avatar
Name:Noctis in City Offline
Species:Black and red, Dark Demon Wolf
Relationship:Single and Looking

Domination and Submission
Destiny Furrs
The dark emo furrs
Single Furs
gay furs
Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn
Florida Furs
Member ID:11407
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:12963
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
Kik:Hidden from Guests
YIM:Hidden from Guests
FurAffinity:Hidden from Guests
Facebook:Hidden from Guests
PSN Name:ask for it
XBOX Gamertag:ask for it

Future Space for Blogs

Maji: Haha ill say, very cool man very cool. 2682.1 days ago
Riffy: Very nice suit 2683.2 days ago
Saphira : I miss you 2685.1 days ago
Riffy: very nice photo nocti 2700.7 days ago
Paymon: Smacks his butt.- 2704.7 days ago
💕 Aurora 💕: Hi sweetie 2746.3 days ago
Paymon: Sending love to my fellow demon. Love ya 2755.6 days ago
Aumaura: Hi 2759.1 days ago
Aurora : My love 2762 days ago
Whitepawzzz : Wolf!!! 3095.4 days ago
Źõęÿ: Get a pic up here so I can steal it!! 3102.5 days ago
Źõęÿ: Brah pic pic pic 3103.3 days ago
Pixin The Catfox: boops your nose 3148.7 days ago
Lars: Puts a beanbag chair in your profile. 3153.1 days ago
Źõęÿ: Licks all over your wall 3153.4 days ago
Maximus: MY WALL 3191.8 days ago
Stripes the Season King: why did you remove me? 3193.4 days ago
Maximus: My wall :3 Claims 3193.7 days ago
Grayhuskie: Hi I'm grayhuskie want to be friends 3201 days ago
Tailon: poke 3316.1 days ago
nightscale: hi 3321 days ago
Cyril ZERO: hai 3328.3 days ago
Flora Eclair MagicCaster: Your wall I rub my scent all over it 3330.3 days ago
DrMagnet: Your wall has been Coned. prepare for smoother traffic 3358.6 days ago
🐾Mallow🐾: Hello fellow Florida fur! 3378 days ago
Snow: meow 3383.4 days ago
Stripes: gotta love how i love yta anyways 3386.7 days ago
Reaper: Lol as long as your a wolf your always be part of the pack lol 3386.7 days ago
Darkro: gotta love feeling hated... 3387.4 days ago
Axel Fang: hello how are you 3389.3 days ago
Flora Eclair MagicCaster: Your wall it has been poked 3396.4 days ago
Snow: meow 3402.4 days ago
Emerald: hi :3 3402.6 days ago
🐾 Little Wolf 🐺: leaves a muddy paw print on the wall :3 3409.8 days ago
Greeney: Welcome to FT! 3418.2 days ago
Allen Shepard: yip! 3419.1 days ago

About Me:
My name is Noctis the wolf
Color: Black
Secondary color: red
Detail color: silver
Noctis' past are unknown All he remembers is death by Shadows but reborn from darkness. He knows the shadows yet he controls them as his personas... The shadows were known as the Fool, Death, and Judgement. A life with infinite potential, death in from the shadows, as judgement hits, he was reborn from hell, filled with darkness. Noctis continues to uncover his mysterious past and his own self with his powers, Shadow self and personas
Powers: Dark and summoning personas (or creatures)
Weapons: Claws, greatsword, and scythe
Personality: never gets along with others, always alone and cold hearted but will protect someone he finds dear to him

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