They can't find the source of the infection but the doctors are saying thats good. The antibiotic are working but he is going to be under observation for a while.
Scara Member Instant Message
Post ID: 2227
Posted: 07-14-2021 09:51 AM IP: Logged
Posted: 07-14-2021 09:51 AM
It's good that they can't find the source? Is that because if they can't find it then it shouldn't be serious or that if they can't find it it should be mostly over/gone? Odd turn of phrase but good that he is recovering. Happy thoughts to you and yours.
I agree that it sound strange how they phrased it. And thank you, appreciate the sentiment.
Scara Member Instant Message
Post ID: 2231
Posted: 08-01-2021 10:34 AM IP: Logged
Posted: 08-01-2021 10:34 AM
What the "H" happened? No new posts after the 14th of July and no new thread posts at all after the 15th of July.
I check a couple of times daily in case someone somewhere has something interesting to say.... guess nothing interesting to speak about going on.
All right... on me also I guess so..... my "Ahem..." 40th year class reunion was supposed to happen last year but because of @#!$%!@!&! it didn't. Happening in two weeks now. Should be interesting.
Long thread is loooooong. Whoever makes it to this post deserves a cookie. :P
Happy first of the month, Scara. Hope it's full of fun adventures that don't get postponed. As for myself, I finished taking my mom's accounting class not too long ago for her. Passed it with a 96%. I'm proud of myself. Words of caution: do not take an exam and a final back-to-back if you have the option because... wow. I was so burnt out by the end.
Scara Member Instant Message
Post ID: 2233
Posted: 08-01-2021 13:08 PM IP: Logged
Posted: 08-01-2021 13:08 PM
I clep'd a large number of my basic classes for my degree. Took two or three a weekend once a month towards the end of my service. I like taking tests... always have. Three or four hours of a test... fun stuff.
Posted: 08-02-2021 04:57 AM » Editted: 08-02-2021 04:57 AM
Yo I'm alive and my grandpa is doing better now. He will be released in to the wild Thursday. As for me heading back to work to day. Hope the reunion happens for you Scara. Hi Little Tails and yeah it suck having to scroll all the way through to see the new messages.
Siris Moderator Instant Message
Post ID: 2235
Posted: 08-02-2021 16:31 PM IP: Logged
Posted: 08-02-2021 16:31 PM
I tried a few places but didn't get much response >.<