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Article: Profile Pics Feature Removal!
Posted By: DarkXander
Date: 12-23-2015 09:10 AM
Views: 3279
The feature that allows to you place 3 extra profile pictures at the bottom of your profile page is going to be removed. So if you want to save those pictures, download them or save them down to your PC soon!

This will not affect the Uploaded Files section at the very bottom of the profile, this is just for the triplet section of thumbnail images above the attached files.

A new feature which is equivalent and better will be replacing that element so never fear, just get your images out before i roast them!

Cain: I'm curious as to what's going to replace it, and should I just do a 'upload files' with them until it does get implemented?
DarkXander: Cant do that because of the format the old images were stored in being incompatible. The new images are stored as files, the old ones were stored as streams.
Fesothe: As this does not effect the profile upload section could you not just bulk force import their 3 profile gallery images into their profile upload section to save them? as someone will complain and that would negate the issue of lost images from those who are not active. Then they can later pull them out of the upload section to do as they will when they get round to being active again??

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