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duce's Fursona Avatar
Name:duce in darby Offline
Relationship:Single, Not Looking
Member ID:12755
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:3392
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Future Space for Blogs

Taboo: hey 3551.4 days ago
Aria Auroralïs: Hai! You seem pretty cool! owo 3551.6 days ago

About Me:
Hi. The name's Duce. Some people call me Ducey. Weird name for a girl? Yeah, I know. Anyways, why dont you get to know me. Im a chill person. I can be funny and sarcastic and a bit of a freak. Im a tomboy and I have mostly guy friends. I love sports, music, and writing. I can be nice when I want to. Thats pretty much it. Now you can learn about my fursona. I just used my name. Couldn't think of another one.

Appearance: Im about 5FT4. I have gray eyes. My fur is black and my underbelly is grayish white. My hair is redish brown. Im half wolf and half coyote. Im skinny. My size helps me with my athletics. Im very agile, fast, and flexible. Im only about 120LBS.

Personality: I can be hot headed and short tempered. Because of my bad past, i've learned to sharpen my senses of smell and hearing. I am extremely instinctive. I dont have the best social skills and tend to keep to myself. I have some trust issues. Im sarcastic. I act tough but sometimes I can be a softy. Every now and then I like to play...and may enjoy a scratch behind the ears or a belly rub. Sometimes I can be very energetic.

Attire: I usually wear a tight fitting short sleeved shirt and cargo pants. I tend to wear dark colors. I keep my hair short.

Short History: where I come from, wolves and coyote are not friends. My mom and dad's "secret love" wasn't allowed. When my mom had me and my siblings, her and my dad had been found out. The leaders of both clans decided that it'd be best to "get rid of" the offspring. My siblings were disposed of and my mother escaped with me. My dad on the other hand....didn't make it. Me and my mom lived peacefully for a few years until they came for us. My Mom told me to run and never look back. Thats what I did. My mom was killed and I was left alone. I taught myself how to fight and fend for myself. I dont get attached to others and I try not to stay in one place for too long.

Present: I just travelled in from another town. I haven't told anyone why I keep running or whag happened in my past. I dont have many friends.

Likes: writing, drawing, music, sometimes playing, play fighting running around, nighttime

Dislikes: thunder, being lied to, taking it easy when im hurt, tight and enclosed spaces, being told what to do, nightmares about my family, being called a mutt or dog

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