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Forums » Artistic Corner » Drawings Everywhere

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Forums » Artistic Corner » Drawings Everywhere
Shikaku Spark The Half Dragon

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Post ID: 525
Posted: 09-07-2015 00:27 AM
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Posted: 09-07-2015 00:27 AM

i suck at drawing so i dont lol

Shikaku Spark The Half Dragon

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Post ID: 526
Posted: 09-07-2015 00:28 AM
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Posted: 09-07-2015 00:28 AM

well thats a lie in my opinion i think i draw pretty cool weapons


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Post ID: 527
Posted: 09-07-2015 00:33 AM
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Posted: 09-07-2015 00:33 AM
If you feel that you have room to improve, that's a good excuse to draw more ;)


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Post ID: 878
Posted: 01-11-2016 17:11 PM
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Posted: 01-11-2016 17:11 PM
If I had a scanner and more free time I would draw a lot more


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Post ID: 880
Posted: 01-11-2016 17:14 PM
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Posted: 01-11-2016 17:14 PM

I really suck at drawing unless it's AutoCAD stuff, but I got a really great excuse for it :P If I felt I could get any better I'd learn other styles, but it's unlikely until I can afford nerve repair or limb replacement, neither of which is likely.

Your friendly neighborhood otterborg.

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