Instant Message
Post ID: 422
Posted: 08-15-2015 19:02 PM IP: Logged |
Posted: 08-15-2015 19:02 PM |
So hi I guess. I'm not new to being a furry, but I am new to trying to reach out and actually being social. Doesn't help that I am pretty much alone literally in the middle of Mississippi. As far as introductions, I am a film student and art hobbyist. I love entertaining others and in deapth conversations about the inner workings and philosophy of things. I am also a avid collector of anything video games owning most consoles from the Atari 2600 and Sears Video Arcade II to the Sega Saturn to the Wii U and PS4. I also own an Atari Lynx. I just really wanted to mention that one. I can't play music. I can't dance. and I have yet to fully understand why we haven't discovered a way to travel between the multiple world to see the fully diverging tree of possibilities of where and how all of life could have gone. and I am a cat... because I am lazy and like to sleep.