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Article: Furry PC Gamers
Posted By: DarkXander
Date: 09-10-2014 15:51 PM
Views: 3248
For those Furry Gamers who like FPS and War games, especially those with vehicles, aircraft, etc. Battlefield 2 has recently been dropped by EA Games Officially, so they shutdown the backend and all the player matchmaking for it. However the game now lives on, and is FREE to play thanks to Battlelog.co which has their own BF2 Matchmaking system and stats system which I myself helped setup, create and get working as a secondary project. All you need is the game, patched with their new game exe, and it plays as if the EA system is still up, and matchmaking works flawlessly.

IF you want to give it a try, go register an account at Battlelog.co. IF you want to, but dont have Battlefield 2, dont worry, You can download it free at BF2.club which is run by one of their supporters. IT will give you a fully patched, ready to play installer ISO.

BOBCAMO: Nice when I get a PC going Ill check it out
Dark Claw: lol if only we can create a wow guild
Mikazuki Plague: OO awesome
Winterfang: Gettin a pc soon and thus is EEPIIIIIC Come on who doesnt like free shit

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