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Article: Another smear campaign
Posted By: DarkXander
Date: 07-30-2014 20:02 PM
Views: 2953
Seems someone is going around telling members we are using their IP addresses to trace their real home addresses and spy on them, as well as sharing this info with third partys. Pretty sure i know who but im not going to dignify them with a mention. Anyway, as anyone in the IT field knows, its not possible to just trace an IP address to someones home address. Most commonly you can only get down to the city their in, sometimes down to a dozen square blocks, but sometimes only down to what state their in.

In the case of suicide threats or threats against other members or the site and its staff, we can and will use geolocation data to provide to the necessary authorities for the safety of members, staff, etc.

Do we store peoples home addresses? NO!
Do moderators have access to geolocation data? NO!
Do we send your information to anyone without serious incidental reason? NO!
Do we go around lurking on any of your living arangements or other nonsense? NO!
What would we have to gain by doing any of this nonsence? No idea......

Winterfang: Just throwing in my two cents next time this kinda thing comes up maybe dont make an article about it I understand squashing rumours but at the same time this draws attention to the matter and Im guessing thats just what they want Im bettin someones having a good laugh over this and putting it at the forefront is juat what they want it gives them the attention and gigglez their after
Kataigida Dimourgous: Furry fandom is bs when your deep into it So pretty much I keep myself I keep a limit where im not away from fandom nor too deep Other furries like the ones who are crazy are semi smart and like to screw around FurrTrax are doing ok but you need to make sure those crazy furry arent causing trouble at all cost
Magrant141: I mean If one of the moderators wanted to come over Say hi Make peanut butter cookies and laugh at my jokes that would be a cool day lol
mewster : Tsk I really wouldnt care anyways if yaw can access ip addresses people are to paranoid now adays X
Fesothe [UK]: If you're drama inclined and want to read about groups who actually do stalk, harass and collect personal data in a wiki online using IPs as one method unlike what Furrtrax uses them for, Google JLU and Privacy Crisis of Infinite Threads or second life sluniverse jlu your looking specifically for 2 forum threads of about 500 replies each as it was a 1000 replied to thread that they had to split. The only similarities is the accusation, the JLU actually did it on a large scale but furrtrax seems legit. Furrtrax is a legit service to my knowledge, JLU stalking and their land protection devices in second life and online wikis that branded people furs as bad and tracked them across in game simulators and the web aka did effect furs and had the potential to grow into something far worse as they almost became a form of admins of Second Life is and was not anything good at all. That was worth fighting back against, furrtrax is fine and doesn't need unnecessary drama.
Ms. Hyde: I realize that you guys would not have any use for the info let alone be able to effectively obtain it I was just stating what someone had sent to me I in no way believe it My kik has been reset since then though
Siris: actually another thing that should be noted here. Most providers cycle your ip adress periodically. so saving an ip is a practice in futility
Lucas Villan: Anyone who actually belive that any mod or admin would save ip is fucking stupid what use would we need it for to follow others around its stupid and is just unbelievable we all have our own lifes and we dont carehave any need to follow you around or track you just stop with all the stupid ass bs drama and rumors that you feel is for some reason needed Anyways that my rant
DarkXander: Vinyl thats bullshit.
Vinyl: War is peace Freedom is slavery Ignorance is strengthNew FurrTrax slogan
Delta Starfire: How would they even get our phone numbers?
Ms. Hyde: I heard someone mention something similar to this involving phone numbers Ill see if I still have that kik message
Troublemaker.: Smh, seems to never stop. Hope it gets situated. Rumors are rumors people, stop thinking everything is true just because there are haters out there out to ruin it for everyone because they didn't get there way.
kingpawz: Safe
kingpawz: I believe that you arent There is no reason for it I feel save here 3
Siris: wow really? what are we now? big brother's furry companion?

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