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Aiko Grey's Fursona Avatar
Name:Aiko Grey in Portland Offline
Species:Black Fox/Wolf hybrid
Relationship:Single, Not Looking
Member ID:13902
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:6669
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
Kik:Hidden from Guests
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FurAffinity:Hidden from Guests
Facebook:Hidden from Guests

Future Space for Blogs

Ava Eshy: shay whaaat 2481.7 days ago
Jackson: Boop! 2699.2 days ago
💕 Aurora 💕: My wall 2713.8 days ago
㆚єρɦyя Łυรтɓσяи: Rolls around in his pile of blankets and pulled anyone who visits your wall into it for all eternity. 2718.5 days ago
Valac Od Vraga: Please. You enjoyed it 2719.9 days ago
Valac Od Vraga: The current mood has me laughing. Thank you for that :3 2720.6 days ago
Maddox: Cause I am amazing. 2725.6 days ago
Artemida: Paints a sea sunset in your wall in response to the butt print 2725.6 days ago
Artemida: Just leaving a shy Hi 2726.4 days ago
Fade: No..? 2727.1 days ago
💕 Aurora 💕: Hiiiii 2727.2 days ago
Paymon: Until kik lets my message go through, I can only hope to see you again, darling. 2728.8 days ago
Foxy: Just going to leave this hi here -scoots hi a little closer- 2728.8 days ago
Fade: You're a very good girl. 2729.1 days ago
💕 Aurora 💕: Hello 2729.2 days ago
Sir Chan: like the new name 2729.2 days ago
Fade: Well aren't you adorable.. 2729.2 days ago
Shadow: hai 2761 days ago
Scott: Hey foxy! 3000.1 days ago
Ignar Baldr Frægr Hrodgæirsson: Hello! Just a random Portland Husky saying hello. :) Hope we can get acquainted sometime! 3034.8 days ago
Fang: Hai I'm new and looking for a friend 3108.1 days ago
Gargoul: Claims wall .... 3220.2 days ago

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Guess who's back

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