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Forums » General Discussion » music furry vs feral

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Forums » General Discussion » music furry vs feral

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Post ID: 2075
Posted: 08-07-2020 22:07 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 08-07-2020 22:07 PM

so im curious what yall think is relaxing bedtime music for a feral for one but onto the more important stuff


so when i used to use drugs i went feral for years on end and now im back in the human world but i still notice that im showing feral traits im curious when it comes down to it are furrys feral or is a feral furry diffrent from a normal furry also im curious too when it comes down to it is it normal for those of us who are feral and part animal to allow ourselves to live under the guidlines of the human world and even more so is it normal to be pursicuted by our own familys when i say im part wolf i mean it when i said i was feral i mean it but my family said ok if your feral then we can get a blood test and the doctors can determine if your feral or just insane they also said that the blood test would tell if im bisexual or not but thats a diffrent story anyhow im curious on others opinions on this issue i know for a fact im part feral wolf and i do consider myself part umbreon and bisexual but i wanted to know if theres others out there who feel like me or feel like my family and if i should get the blood test just to shut them up from their pursicution of me 

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